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Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Social Media & Academia

Why universities should start taking social media far more seriously  

Social media is a risky space. Many people have learned this the hard way ...
Employers must understand the risks involved as they and their stakeholders set out to engage with the wider community on social media...Universities in South Africa have neglected the development of social media policies until now. 

From: The Conversation, January 18 2016. Article by
Miemie Struwig & Amanda van den Berg(CC BY-ND 4.0)

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Why do academics choose useless titles for articles and chapters?

An informative title for an article or chapter maximizes the likelihood that your audience correctly remembers enough about your arguments to re-discover what they are looking for. Without embedded cues, your work will sit undisturbed on other scholars’ PDF libraries, or languish unread among hundreds of millions of other documents on the Web. Patrick Dunleavy presents examples of frequently used useless titles and advises on using a full narrative title, one that makes completely clear your argument, conclusions or findings. 

From LSE: The Impact Blog, Feb 5th 2014 (work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License)