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Monday, September 15, 2014

Reports on Humanities in SA - relevancy & future actions 2014+?

  1. Report on the Charter for Humanities and Social Sciences 2011

Report commissioned by the Minister of Higher Education & Training for the charter for Humanities and Social Sciences June 2011
Department Higher Education and Training, Republic of South Africa

2. Consensus Study on the State of Humanities in South Africa: status, prospects and strategies

Published by the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf)  August 2011
ISBN- 978-0-9814159-3-2

Friday, September 12, 2014

Humanities Graduates valued/needed?

Move over, Stem: why the world needs humanities graduates

Global problems can't be resolved without a humanities perspective, so academics need to get out into the world and make the case for their subject...

So what's up with our cloistered historians and philosophers, our literary critics, classicists and scholars of the fine, performing and otherwise liberal arts? Clearly there's some gathering global anxiety within the academy and it's mainly around the difficulty of getting broader social recognition for the two convictions about humanities that are motivating these discussions.

Humanities graduates have unique skills

Humanities perspective is needed in all global challenges

From: The Guardian's Higher Education Network, posted by Paul Smith 19 March 2014
Paul Smith is director of the British Council in the US. He spoke at Oxford University as part of the activist humanities conference.