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Thursday, November 27, 2014

Five things we mean when we say digital humanities

Libraries as Problem Shapers: some thoughts sparked by Brian Croxall (five things that we mean when we say digital humanities)

Brian Mathews (Virginia Tech.) comments: It was great to learn about Emory’s Center for Digital Scholarship but the real reason Brian Croxall was on campus was to talk about digital humanities. We hosted him in the library and his talk was insightful and entertaining.
The main takeaway for me was his five things that we mean when we say digital humanities:
  1. Humanistic examination of digital objects
  2. Digital scholarly communication
  3. Digital pedagogy
  4. Creation of digital archives and primary source materials
  5. Digital examination of Humanistic objects
 From: The Ubiquitous Librarian, 24th November 2014

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Can universities survive the digital age?

The fifth annual international IE University conference on “Reinventing Higher Education” discussed Bologna, English as the lingua franca and engagement between business and universities. But perhaps it will be the ‘digital natives’ of the next generation who will be higher education’s greatest challenge...

“I was not taught digital marketing in my degree because the change in the business model was so rapid that the university did not have time to adapt,” said Cristina Rojas, 23, an economics graduate.

Rojas added that in 2013 Facebook and Twitter were only known as social networks, they had not developed their marketing potential online and “professors did not even know that they existed”...

Santiago IƱiguez, President of IE University, concluded: “The Millennial generation is creative, cosmopolitan, entrepreneurial, sociable, with a distinctive global awareness and commitment, and they demand more control over their own learning experience.

From: University World News, Paul Rigg, 31 Oct 2014, Issue no. 341